Prediabetes diet: The right one

diabetes testing using blood sugar

Diagnosis of prediabetes can be alarming. Diabetes is characterized by abnormally high blood sugar (glucose), usually caused by insulin resistance. The body does not use insulin properly when it has this condition. This often leads to type 2 diabetes. Those with prediabetes are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. You may also be at risk for cardiovascular disease if you have prediabetes syndrome.

However, prediabetes doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll develop type 2 diabetes. Preventing prediabetes requires early intervention – to get your blood sugar out of the range. Eating the right kind of food is important, and you should know what to eat. And we are here to guide you about the right prediabetes diet.

How you know you have prediabetes?

Women experiencing fatigue due to prediabetes

Diabetes has no clear symptoms. People with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) may experience a condition called acanthosis nigricans, which is a sign of insulin resistance. A dark, thick, and velvety patch of skin may not appear in every person with PCOS, but when it does, it is usually quite dark and has a thick texture.

Usually, this discoloration appears around:

  • elbows
  • neck
  • armpits
  • knuckles
  • knees

A person with prediabetes should consult their doctor if they experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Thirst increased
  • urination during the night, especially
  • fatigue
  • blurred vision
  • unhealed cuts or sores

Symptoms such as these may indicate that your prediabetes has developed into type 2 diabetes. Tests can be ordered by your doctor to confirm this.

Factors that increase the risk of prediabetes

Obesity fat due to prediabetes

Diabetes can affect anyone, but certain factors can increase your risk. Several studies suggest prediabetes is strongly associated with lifestyle factors and genetics. These are the major risk factors:

Your age: Prediabetes is more common in people over 45 years old.

Obesity: Your doctor may recommend that you undergo a prediabetes screening if you have a body mass index (BMI) over 25.

Size of your waist: If you have more fat around your waist than your hips, you are more likely to develop prediabetes. If you’re male, you can measure this risk factor by checking if you have a waist that is 40 inches or more, and if you’re female, 35 inches or more.

Ethnicity and race: The prevalence of prediabetes is higher among people who are African American, Asian American, Hispanic, or Native American. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this higher prevalence may be related to health disparities, such as access to care.

Diet: You could develop prediabetes if you consume red meat, processed meat, and sugar-sweetened beverages regularly.

Inactivity is another risk factor: Regular exercise can not only help you maintain a healthy weight, but it can also reduce your risk of prediabetes.

Genetic history: You may be at a higher risk of developing prediabetes if you have an immediate relative with type 2 diabetes.

Smoking: As well as increasing the risk of insulin resistance, smoking may also increase the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD)

Health history: There is evidence that certain medical conditions, such as sleep apnea, gestational diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, may be linked to a higher risk of insulin resistance and prediabetes.

What diet is good for prediabetes patient

One of the best ways to manage prediabetes and keep it under control is choosing the right diet and exercising regularly. Resorting to the medicine should always be the last option. This does not mean that you should avoid medicine at all. The doctor’s advice should always be followed whether it is prescription for medicine or preventive diet.

almonds good for prediabetes

According to research, a low-carbohydrate diet may improve blood glucose control, insulin resistance, and weight management. Although most research focuses on type 2 diabetes rather than prediabetes specifically, a low carb diet may also be beneficial for those with prediabetes. Carbohydrates are generally restricted to less than 26 percent of total daily calories, or 130 grams a day. For people with high cholesterol, kidney disease, or heart disease, low carbohydrate diets may not be recommended. Consult your physician before making dietary changes. As a nutritionist, we recommend plant based diet to be dominant and eliminate diets with added sugars. You diet should be abundant of following foods:


All nuts, including almonds, are nutritious snacks. Each ounce of almonds contains 6 grams of carbs, as well as fiber and protein. Almonds also contain healthy fats. Almonds contain fiber, healthy fats, and protein, making them a trifecta of good nutrition. Those with prediabetes can benefit from snacking on almonds since they can help them feel full and satisfied while also managing their blood sugar levels.

Eggs good for prediabetes


Eggs are not only tasty, but they are also versatile. They are a great source of protein and can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The most impressive thing about eggs is that they won’t spike your blood sugar levels, no matter how you prepare them. Exactly! Despite being high in protein, eggs have almost no carbohydrates, which means that their effect on blood sugar is minimal. What does this mean to you? Using eggs as a base for healthy meals won’t put you under unnecessary stress. For people with high cholesterol levels, eggs, especially their yolks, are not good for them.

The Non-Starchy Vegetables

broccoli good for prediabetes

Among the non-starchy vegetables are asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, and mushrooms. (Starchy vegetables are those that are high in carbohydrates, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes.) Non-starchy vegetables provide lots of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and are some of the healthiest foods you can eat. These vegetables are a great source of nutrients, as well as dietary fiber. Managing your blood sugar levels is easier when you consume fiber, which slows carbohydrate absorption. Fiber can also help you stay full for longer periods of time. A variety of non-starchy vegetables is a good idea, so consider including a few on your weekly grocery list.


beans good for prediabetes

In addition to fiber, protein and complex carbohydrates, beans provide the body with many nutrients. Carbohydrates that are categorized as complex carbs are digested at a slower rate than simple carbs. Having fewer simple carbs and more complex carbs can help you manage your blood sugar levels. Because complex carbohydrates take longer to enter the bloodstream, they stabilize blood sugar levels better than simple carbohydrates.

What diet you should avoid

Typical Soda

fask food with coke not good for prediabetes

Regular soda, on the other hand, is a combination of carbonated water, food coloring, and a lot of added sugar. In addition to being low in nutrition, regular soda has a lot of added sugar, which can cause your blood sugar levels to spike. Particularly if you have prediabetes and are trying to manage your blood sugar, this is not a good thing.

Fast Food

When ordering out, make sure you select healthy and nutritious foods. A few reasons make hamburgers and fries unhealthful. A typical restaurant may offer portion sizes that are too large for your pancreas. This meal may cause your blood sugar levels to spike as a result of the carbs. Additionally, the burger and fries have a lot of calories. Consuming excess calories can lead to weight gain over time. Increased weight can also lead to insulin resistance, which can spike blood sugar levels. Fast food restaurants usually offer more nutritious options such as grilled chicken or salads.


Whether it’s chocolate, candy or gummy worms, all of them contain simple sugars. Carbohydrates that contain no fiber are simple sugars, which are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Sugars are absorbed more slowly into the bloodstream with fiber. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes contain fiber, which is one of the reasons these foods are so healthy.

I lead a team of professional nutritionists and dietitians. We provide our consulting services in different areas of nutrition.

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