Home Remedies for Heartburn During Pregnancy: The CHELSEA Approach
The are always Over-the-counter medicines available for heartburn. But in pregnancy, that is something not advisable to go for unless your gynecologist allows you. But wait, can you get rid of heartburn without consuming any of those expensive and full of side effects medicines? Well, the answer is Yes. Follow our CHELSEA approach for the best home remedies to counter heartburn during pregnancy. These remedies are approved by qualified dietitians.
The purpose of home remedies for acid reflux during pregnancy is to ease discomfort and enhance the health of the mother. To alleviate symptoms and lessen the formation of stomach acid, the doctor or qualified dietitian may advise consuming pear, melon juice, or particular teas, etc.
What is heartburn?
Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest brought on by stomach acid rising and moving toward the throat (acid reflux). The condition is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease if it persists (GERD).
Read more: What causes heartburn? Is it only spicy foods?
Heartburn during pregnancy
Pregnancy often results in indigestion, often known as heartburn or acid reflux. Hormonal changes and the growing baby pressing against your stomach are the basic reasons for this. Making dietary and lifestyle adjustments can help relieve indigestion and heartburn, and some medications are safe to take while pregnant to relieve heartburn.

Symptoms of heartburn
Heartburn symptoms include
- Burning sensation or pain in the chest
- A feeling of fullness or satiety
- Bloating
- Burping or belching sensation
- The feeling of bringing up food
The symptoms of heartburn typically appear shortly after eating or drinking, but there can occasionally be a delay between eating and experiencing heartburn.
Although you can experience symptoms at any time during your pregnancy, they start to occur more frequently at about 27 weeks.
Read more: What foods should be avoided in acid reflux?
The CHELSEA approach: Best Home Remedies For Heartburn During Pregnancy
Heartburn during pregnancy can be managed and treated in several ways at home. You can use our CHELSEA approach at home to overcome heartburn in pregnancy. (On a lighter note this approach works if you are not a Chelsea fan!!)

- Consuming milk and dairy products
Heartburn discomfort can be lessened by consuming dairy products, especially natural yogurt, or by drinking milk, preferably skim milk. Milk reduces inflammation and relieves the signs and symptoms of heartburn by forming a thin barrier in the stomach lining.
- Having herbal tea
According to Nikiforuk, peppermint, slippery elm, and marshmallow root are recognized for their calming effects and are safe to consume while pregnant. Before using any herbs or herbal teas while pregnant, you should see your doctor (We do not advise you to go for this option on your own).
- Eating an apple
Fruits like apples assist in controlling stomach acidity, easing related discomfort and fatigue. As soon as heartburn symptoms start, you are suggested to eat these fruits (with the peel).
- Little bits of almonds
After every meal, munch on a few almonds since they help to neutralize stomach acids and soothe or even prevent heartburn.
- Sugar-free gums
After meals, chewing sugar-free gum for around 30 minutes stimulates saliva production, which can help balance out excess acid in your esophagus. If you are wondering that are artificial sweeteners a worry during pregnancy? In moderation, sugarless gum is OK. Choose non-minty gum if you’re one of the women who finds that mint-flavored gum worsens heartburn.
- Eating or drinking something cold
Heartburn discomfort can be relieved by consuming ice cream, very cold milk, or water. It is an option to be chosen during pregnancy.
Do you know: Drinking hot water also helps acid reflux
- Adding some ginger to the diet
Ginger, which is well known for easing nausea, can help calm the digestive tract. Ginger, which is well known for easing nausea, can help calm the digestive tract. You can either try incorporating natural ginger into your diet by boiling it in water for tea or grating it into stir-fries, or you can buy prepared ginger tea or pills.
Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Heartburn During Pregnancy
- Eat small portions of the meal. You can increase the frequency of meal intake but the portions should be small.
- Avoid eating before going to bed to prevent stomach acid from surging into your throat and chest.
- Do physical activity regularly. Daily exercise has been demonstrated to help with reducing acid reflux. You should discuss how much physical activity you can handle with a medical practitioner.
- During pregnancy do avoid tight clothes because wearing tight clothes can cause heartburn.
- Sleep on your left side since doing so prevents acid from rising into your esophagus.
- Chew your food slowly.
Foods That Can Trigger Heartburn (Foods To be Avoided)
Heartburn can be triggered by certain foods and beverages. When you can, try to stay away from these. Following are the foods that should be avoided to overcome heartburn:
- Caffeine (such as chocolate, soda pop, coffee, and tea)
- Alcohol
- Tomatoes
- Mustard
- Spicy Meals
- Fast foods
- Fried foods
- Citrus fruits
- Cold Drinks etc.
Medication For Heartburn During Pregnancy
Medications for heartburn during pregnancy include:
- Antacids:
Antacids are used to counteract gastric acid.
- Alginates
Alginates are used to treat indigestion brought on by acid reflux by preventing the stomach’s acid from rising into the throat.
Your doctor may recommend a medication to lower the amount of acid in your stomach if antacids and alginates fail to alleviate your symptoms. The following are two frequently used during pregnancy and are not known to be dangerous to an unborn child:
- Ranitidine
- Omeprazole