Potassium in eggs: is it too much?

Potassium in eggs: is it too much?

Eggs are a very popular breakfast food that many people around the world consume. They are versatile because they can be prepared in a variety of ways and added to a variety of dishes. In this article, we will get to know whether eggs are high in potassium or not.


Potassium in Eggs

As a single serving of egg holds less than 200mg of potassium and it is considered safe for people with kidney problems and those who are potassium sensitive. A hard-boiled egg has about 63mg of potassium hence it is safe to be consumed by anyone.

Eggs also contain a wide variety of important vitamins and minerals that help protect your digestive system and kidneys, allowing you to eat a healthy, balanced diet. The egg’s potassium content varies slightly depending on the cooking method. Scrambled eggs, for example, contain more of this mineral than poached or soft-boiled eggs. Hence the preparation of your eggs and the ingredients you add should be carefully considered as a result.

read more: Top 10 best high potassium low carb foods

How to Boost Potassium Intake

Many other foods contain more potassium than eggs. Sweet potatoes are high in potassium. A medium-sized sweet potato with the skin provides slightly more than 925 mg of potassium. Make a sweet potato and poached egg breakfast hash for a potassium-rich breakfast. To increase the potassium content of your daily glass of milk, blend it with a banana; a medium-sized banana will add 420 milligrams of potassium to your drink. Other potassium-rich foods include oranges, tomatoes, raisins, prunes, lima beans, spinach, sunflower seeds, and almonds hence by consuming these foods you can boost your potassium intake.

Are Eggs High In Potassium?

Eggs have a low potassium content in a single serving, making them a great food to have on a low-potassium, kidney-friendly diet. They are also high in a variety of nutrients, including protein, which aids in your overall health and well-being. As a result, they can be an excellent addition to any diet. Hence we can say that the potassium content of eggs is not high.

Are scrambled eggs also high in potassium?

A half-cup serving of scrambled eggs contains approximately 152mg of potassium. This is slightly more than one hard-boiled egg, but keep in mind that more than one egg equals half a cup of scrambled eggs, so the potassium content is higher. Despite this increase, scrambled eggs remain a low-potassium food, with less than 200mg of potassium in a single serving. Additionally, they are frequently made with butter or crème Fraiche, which adds texture and nutrients that may help you feel fuller longer and avoid overeating.

Which type of egg has the least potassium?

Chicken eggs, which are the most commonly consumed, have the lowest potassium content of any type of egg. One large egg contains about 70 milligrams of potassium.

Egg whites and potassium

One of nature’s most perfect foods is an egg.  Egg contains 13 essential nutrients in addition to one of the most nutritionally accessible proteins. Most of the vitamins are found in the yolk, but sodium and potassium are primarily found in the egg white. According to the Egg Nutrition Center, a large egg has 69 mg of potassium and 71 mg of sodium. Compared to the yolk, which has 8 mg of sodium and 19 mg of potassium, the egg white has 55 mg of sodium and 54 mg of potassium.

read more: What are high potassium foods?

Health benefits of eggs

There are a lot of health benefits of consuming eggs some of them are mentioned below:

  • With a small amount of practically every vitamin you require, whole eggs are among the most nutrient-dense meals. 
  • Regular egg consumption raises HDL (the “good”) cholesterol levels, which are associated with a lower risk of numerous ailments.
  • Choline is a vitamin that is very necessary but that most people don’t receive enough of. Eggs are one of the best dietary sources of choline.
  • When eggs are consumed, the pattern of LDL particles appears to alter from small, dense LDL (bad) to big LDL, which is associated with a lower risk of heart disease.
  • The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are crucial for maintaining good eye health and can guard against cataracts and macular degeneration. Both are abundant in eggs.
  • Eggs are a good source of high-quality animal protein and have all the essential amino acids that people require.
  • High-satiety foods like eggs may help you consume fewer calories later in the day. Eating eggs frequently may help you lose weight because they have a high satiety effect.

Potassium Intake Recommendations

Potassium is a macro mineral, which means that you need a good amount of it every day. All living cells, tissues, and organs require potassium to function properly. The Institute of Medicine concludes that 4,700 mg of potassium per day is the appropriate intake, or the quantity required to meet the body’s demands.  Your recommendation does not increase while you are pregnant. If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll need 5,100 milligrams per day. Consuming egg whites can assist you in consuming the daily necessary amount of potassium.


Eggs are a great complement to a low-potassium, kidney-friendly diet since they are low in potassium. Additionally, they include a lot of heart-healthy vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that help you have a balanced diet. Almost the perfect food created by nature is an egg. In addition to all of the above benefits, they are also inexpensive, simple to make, versatile, and delicious. To conclude we can say that eggs are a low potassium food.


Are eggs high in potassium?

Eggs are regarded as a low-potassium food, but you should consult a dietitian or doctor to determine how frequently you should consume them.

What part of the egg is high in potassium?

Approximately 55 milligrams of potassium are found in the white of a large egg, which makes up nearly 80% of the whole potassium content of the egg. Hence white part of the egg is high in potassium

What foods are highest in potassium?

Following are some foods that have high potassium content:

  • Banana
  • Orange
  • Apricot
  • Grapefruit
  • Cooked spinach
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Mushrooms and peas etc.

Is peanut butter high in potassium?

Yes, Peanut butter is high in potassium and contains about 200 mg of potassium.

I lead a team of professional nutritionists and dietitians. We provide our consulting services in different areas of nutrition.

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