What is the role of potassium citrate in food
Potassium citrate is a typical form of potassium present in many foods and is an important chemical for the maintenance of the renal system and other body processes. Potassium citrate may be found in fruits such as pomegranates and oranges.
In this article, we will discuss what is potassium citrate and why exactly we need it in our food.
What exactly is potassium citrate, and why is it important?
When some types of potassium react with citric acid, potassium citrate is generated. It may be found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, particularly those high in potassium and citric acid. According to the National Institutes of Health, supplementation with potassium citrate decreases the risk of kidney stone development and growth. Eating more potassium from fruits and vegetables is also linked to higher bone mineral density.
Importance of potassium
Potassium is a dietary component that is required for almost all biological activities. It is found in every human cell. The total daily potassium intake for adults is 2,600 milligrams for women and 3,400 milligrams for men. In food, potassium citrate comes in three forms: potassium phosphate, potassium sulphate, and potassium citrate.
Do you need to take Potassium Citrate in food?
According to the National Institutes of Health fact page, the best source of potassium for health is dietary, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. If you’re thinking about taking a potassium supplement, talk to your doctor about the best potassium citrate dose for you. Make careful to indicate if you utilize a potassium-containing sodium alternative since this is vital for calculating your potassium citrate dosage.
We also offer a free consultation. Book your appointment today. A nutritionist can assist you with meal planning and developing an eating plan that will keep you healthy.
Overdoes of potassium citrate and potassium supplements can result in nausea and vomiting, weariness or disorientation, tingling or other unusual feelings in the extremities, an irregular heart rhythm, or even cardiac arrest. If you have any of these symptoms, get emergency medical attention right away.
Do you know, you can check you check potassium levels at home? Read more here.
Potassium deficiency symptoms
Potassium insufficiency is uncommon while eating a regular diet, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, because it is abundant in a variety of foods. Certain illnesses that promote fluid loss, as well as a magnesium shortage that balances potassium levels, might create symptoms of potassium insufficiency.
These symptoms are comparable to those of potassium overdose since the systems that fail are the same. These symptoms, once again, include:
- Fatigue
- Muscle fatigue
- Breathing difficulty
- Chest discomfort or an abnormal heart rate
Before using potassium supplements, see your doctor, and get immediate medical attention if you suffer any of these symptoms.
Potassium Citrate in Foods
Because potassium citrate in food is generated in the presence of citric acid, it is most frequent in foods that contain this acid in abundance. Pomegranate juice and orange juices are popular alternatives since they are both high in potassium and citric acid, making them great citrate natural sources, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Pomegranate juice
A cup of pomegranate juice provides 533 milligrams of potassium. Citric acid is the most prevalent acid in pomegranate juice, and it has the biggest impact on its sour flavor.
Orange juice
Citrus fruits are always high in citric acid, and many are also high in potassium. One cup of orange juice includes 496 milligrams of potassium, and citric acid, as you might expect, is the acid that is naturally produced inside citrus fruits.
Food preservation using potassium citrate
The main purpose of using potassium citrate as a food preservative is to provide a buffer for pH regulation. It has a natural pH of 7.5 to 9 depending on concentration. Keeping the pH at this alkaline range might prevent the action of some enzymes and prolong the shelf life of food.
Potassium citrate also has an impact on the flavor of meals and soft drinks. Potassium citrate’s sour flavor serves to disguise some of the acidity in carbonated soft beverages. It results in a more balanced tart flavor. This is especially crucial in diet sodas, as the sugar substitutes frequently have a less appealing flavor on their own.
Other use for potassium citrate
Potassium citrate is an essential dietary supplement for humans. It is a typical therapy for kidney stone prevention. Potassium citrate raises the pH of urine while also crystallizing certain salts known to create kidney stones. Calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, and uric acid are examples of these. As a result, potassium citrate inhibits urine saturation, which can occur with a high protein diet.
Another beneficial impact of potassium on the human body is that it helps to control salt levels. The more potassium you consume, the more sodium you excrete in your urine. Lowering salt intake lowers blood pressure, which promotes general health.
Potassium citrate in conjunction with putrescine sprays has also been demonstrated in studies to benefit the Ahmat Date Palm. This combination, when sprayed during blossoming, increases date yield and quality. All of the measured metrics improved. For example, researchers saw increased fruit set, increased fruit retention, and increased bunch weight. Individual date quality improved noticeably in terms of fruit length, diameter, and pulp/seed ratio.
Potassium Citrate Side Effects
When utilizing potassium citrate, several negative effects might occur.
Blood and urine tests, as well as electrocardiographs (ECG), can be used to check your potassium levels.
Large dosages in excess of the prescribed level may result in cardiac arrhythmia.
Other possible adverse effects include:
- Reactions to allergens
- Stools that are bloody or black
- Dizziness and confusion
- Heart rate irregularity, chest discomfort, and elevated blood pressure
- twitching of muscles
- Seizures
- agitation, restlessness
- Hands and feet numb
- stomach ache
- Swallowing is painful.
- Unusual bruising/bleeding
- Atypical flaw
Potassium citrate’s role in weight loss
Potassium citrate may aid in the preservation of lean body mass while dieting by lowering blood acidity in people on a low-carb, ketogenic diet. In addition, a new study suggests that potassium citrate might help avoid kidney stones in persons who follow a low-carb or ketogenic diet.
To sum it up potassium citrate is an essential food chemical for your body. It help in reducing kidney stone development. Higher bone mineral density is also linked to eating more potassium from fruits and vegetables.