Is it really the folic acid deficiency, that gives you the pale skin?

folic acid

Is it really the folic acid deficiency, that gives you the pale skin?

Folic Acid Deficiency

Folic acid deficiency also known as anemia is caused by a deficiency of folic acid in the blood. It is a vitamin B that aids in the formation of red blood cells in the body. Anemia occurs when there are insufficient red blood cells in the body.

What Is Folate Deficiency?

If you do not consume enough folate, you may develop a folate insufficiency. Certain beverages and meals, such as citrus juices and dark green vegetables, are especially high in folate. In just a few weeks, a lack of folate can lead to a shortage. A deficiency can also arise if you have an illness or a genetic mutation that prevents your body’s ability to absorb or convert folate to a useful form. Anemia can be caused by a lack of folate. It is a condition in which there are insufficient Read Blood Cells (RBCs).

Anemia can deprive your tissues of the oxygen they require since RBCs transport it. This may have an impact on their ability to operate. Folate is particularly significant in women of reproductive age. A lack of folate during pregnancy might result in birth defects. The majority of people obtain adequate folate from their diet. To avoid deficiency, many foods now include extra folate in the form of folic acid, a synthetic type of folate. Nonetheless, supplements are advised for women who are planning to get pregnant.

Causes of Folate Deficiency Anemia:

You can get folate deficiency anemia if:

  • You don’t eat enough folic acid-rich meals. Green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, fortified cereals, yeast, and meats are examples.
  • You consume too much alcohol.
  • You have lower digestive tract illnesses, such as celiac disease.
  • Folic acid deficiency anemia is often seen in cancer patients.
  • It can occur if you take medications, such as those used to treat seizures.
  • You’re expecting a child. This is because the developing fetus needs extra folic acid. Furthermore, the mother absorbs it more slowly. Pregnancy folate deficiency has been related to significant birth abnormalities affecting the brain, spinal cord, and spine.
  • Some newborns are born with an inability to absorb folic acid. Megaloblastic anemia can result from this. Red blood cells are bigger than normal in this situation. They are also varied in form. Early intervention is required to avoid difficulties such as poor thinking and learning.

Folate Deficiency and Pregnancy:

Folate Deficiency and Pregnancy

A lack of folate during pregnancy might lead to serious consequences. Folate is necessary for the development of your baby’s brain and spinal cord. A lack of folate can result in serious birth problems known as neural tube defects. Spina bifida and anencephaly are examples of neural tube abnormalities. Folate deficiency can also raise your risk of placental abruption, which occurs when your placenta separates from your uterus. Furthermore, your kid may be premature (born too soon) or have a low birth weight. Low folate levels during pregnancy have also been linked to the development of autism in children.

Who are at risk of developing folate deficiency anemia?

You are at a higher risk of developing folate deficiency anemia if:

  • You are not eating a healthy diet.
  • Consuming a lot of alcohol
  • You are pregnant
  • Folic acid cannot be absorbed
  • You are taking any medications, such as those used to manage seizures

Symptoms of Folate Deficiency Anemia:

Following are some of the symptoms of folate deficiency anemia:

  • Pale Skin tone
  • Appetite suppression
  • Being irritable
  • Tiredness or a lack of energy
  • Diarrhea
  • The tongue is smooth and delicate

The symptoms of folate-deficiency anemia may resemble those of other blood diseases or health issues. Always consult your doctor for a diagnosis.

Diagnosis of Folate Deficiency Anemia:

Your doctor will question you about your symptoms to check for folate deficiency anemia. For the diagnosis of folate deficiency anemia, several tests are also recommended such as a complete blood count (CBC) to determine the amount and appearance of red blood cells in your body. When you are deficient in folate, your red blood cells become big and immature. Hence in this way folic acid deficiency can be diagnosed.

Treatment of Folate Deficiency Anemia:

A nutritious diet can help prevent and cure folate deficiency anemia. This contains folic acid-rich foods like nuts, leafy green vegetables, fortified bread and cereals, and fruit. Your doctor will most likely also recommend a daily folic acid supplement. You may be able to discontinue use if your folate levels return to normal. However, some people require a supplement to live.

We also offer free consultationBook your appointment today. A nutritionist can assist you with meal planning and developing an eating plan that will help you get rid of chronic anemia.


Hence folate deficiency anemia occurs when the intake of folic acid-rich foods is compromised. It can be due to unhealthy eating, intake of some kinds of medicines, or other factors. Folate deficiency can be diagnosed via blood tests such as complete blood count. It can be treated by taking folic acid-rich foods and sometimes by taking folic acid supplements such as folvite etc.

I lead a team of professional nutritionists and dietitians. We provide our consulting services in different areas of nutrition.

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